Friday, March 23, 2007


Time sure flies when you've been busy.

I can't believe it's going on a year since I posted last. Let's see, what's being going on?

I just bought a new laptop. It's a Dell Inspiron E1505. It's got Windows Vista Home Premium installed. Vista "seems" to be a good operating system. I guess the "jury is still out" on that as Vista is only 4 months old. It does have a lot of "bells & whistles" built into it.

I'm still at the liquor store. It's an OK job I guess. At least it's not a whole lot of manual labor. That's what my 2 employees are for. :-) Hey, they are a lot younger than I am.

I haven't been doing a lot to the house lately, but I do need to get into gear and start. There is about 4 unfinished projects.

Well, I guess I'll get out of here and get to work..............