Friday, August 19, 2005

Caribbean Bound!!!!

Well, the wife and I are off on a Caribbean cruise tomorrow. I need a break after that store opening.

So, I guess there is nothing to "bitch" about for today.


I will update the blog when I get back.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Everything OK So Far......

Well most Albertson's in Jacksonville have closed. The transition to Rowe's Supermarkets is done for me. (68 hours last week) (Whew, glad that over!!!)

It's too early to tell if this will work, but at least I still have a job.

I hope it all works out, as I still REALLY LIKE the fact that I walk to work!!!

Payday is on the 18th, so if Rob Rowe makes payroll then I guess we are moving on the right track. (ie: making a profit)

I need to go to bed now because 5 A.M. arrives rather early for me these days.....

(Guess I'm just getting old)


Friday, August 12, 2005

Deck Update # 3

Well it's been a long time since posting last, so here goes........ The deck is 90% done. All that is left is some railings and to put down some Thompson's Water Sealer. The hot tub is hooked up and running. :-)

We have new sod in the backyard and the water garden is about 75% done.

So, I guess that's all about the deck. I'll have to start bitching about something else now.
