Caribbean Bound!!!!
Well, the wife and I are off on a Caribbean cruise tomorrow. I need a break after that store opening.
So, I guess there is nothing to "bitch" about for today.
I will update the blog when I get back.
A little bit of this & that...... or, what's pissing me off today!
Well, the wife and I are off on a Caribbean cruise tomorrow. I need a break after that store opening.
Well most Albertson's in Jacksonville have closed. The transition to Rowe's Supermarkets is done for me. (68 hours last week) (Whew, glad that over!!!)
Well it's been a long time since posting last, so here goes........ The deck is 90% done. All that is left is some railings and to put down some Thompson's Water Sealer. The hot tub is hooked up and running. :-)