Glad that's over...
Well, after months of bickering over this and that, the election is finally over!!! I'm glad that President Bush won re-election. Hopefully he will be able to move forward with some of his second term agenda. The war against terrorism has only begun. Iraq needs to hold it's elections. (Then we need to get the hell out of there) Iran is still trying to make a nuclear bomb. (So, I guess they are next) And, of course, that asshole Bin Laden needs to be found and taken care of!!
The economy is still growing. (It really is GROWING you liberals!!) I get sick and tired of these people that say "Bush has lost more jobs than any president in 75 years".... blah, blah, blah) I say to them....... "Do you have a job?" If they say yes, then I say "then who the hell cares if your neighbor has one"..... Quit your f***ing bitching!!!!!
Anyways, congrats to the President!!!!
Oh, ya........ Thank you to the voters from the state of South Dakota for FINALLY removing that dirtbag Daschle!!!!!! Way to go!!!!!